How to survey plants?

The first EU guidelines for planning surveys of new and quarantine plant pests have been published in April 2020 by EFSA Plant health panel. Official surveys have been in place in EU Memeber States for two decades based on international standards. “How to organise a national detection survey?” is a question I have been often asked and provided answers.

How to import apples to the EU?

European Union has implemented stricter phytosanitary rules for imports of several species of fruits, including apples. Since 1st of September 2019 a phytosanitary certificate has been required for import from all third countries for apples. Quarantine pests, which must be absent from apple fruits, were listed in Annex I to the Directive 2000/29/EC and specialContinue reading “How to import apples to the EU?”

Risk Categorisation in Plant Health

Pest risk analysis and risk categorization have been discussed in North Macedonia with the aim to achieve better protection from new risks arising from international trade, traffic and travelling and at the same time better use of resources focusing to different categories of pests, harmful to plants.

Protection against pests of plants

The most harmful organisms of plants are listed as quarantine pests, which are regulated according to the pathways of their possible introduction into area or country – with their host plants or other goods in international trade.